Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Feria de Santa Lucía

Visit Barcelona in December? If you want to see something of Spanish culture, there's nowhere better than the Feria de Santa Lucía, a temporary market set up in front of and around the cathedral, selling Christmas trees and figures for the belén, the crib, as well as countless ideas for Christmas presents.

The cagatió is a log, with a face painted on it, wearing a barretina, the red hat of traditional peasant costume. On Christmas Day, it's hidden under a blanket and the kids beat it with a stick, whilst singing the songs of the ‘Christmas log’ or ‘Tió de Nadal’. The tradition has some similarity to the hanging out of Christmas stockings in anticipation of gifts.

There are many more traditions in Spain. One of them is the mistletoe (muérdago) and a ponsetia in the house - but they have to be given to you as a present.

Furthermore you have the making of the crib - something which they are busy doing and displaying in schools at this time of year. And in homes, the kids like to have a big one so that they can move the kings slowly closer and closer to the Baby Jesus, to arrive on January 6th - bringing the presents; as in Spain it's traditionally the kings (the Reyes Magos), not Father Christmas (or Papa Noel), that bring them.

The Feria de Santa Lucía will take place from the 1st of December till Christmas Eve and can be found outside the Cathedral, in Plaça de la Seu and Plaça Nova. (nearest Metro: Jaume I).
If you still look for accommodation I suggest visiting www.enjoy-barcelona.com. They offer great apartments.

Merry Christmas!!