Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Three Kings day in Barcelona...

Sometimes everything seems just possible in Barcelona. Reyes is a celebration that takes place the night of Jan 5th and the day of Jan 6th. The Spanish celebrate the three wise kings that visited Bethlehem when Jesus was born that day. The purpose is basically the same as that of santaclaus, in other words: bringing presents to eachother, especially children.

Celebrating "Noche de reyes" yesterday-night nobody seemed to have any 'crisis'-feeling. Taking a strawl over the Granvia (large street in Barcelona) soon it became clear that the Barcelonese like to hold on to their traditions.

You can hardly believe it if you see shops open at 2 a.m. and people buying toys for their children. Thousend of Barcelonese walk around with their children and pets eating Churros (pancake-like sticks) with chocolate dipping. Of course the day after, waking up you will absolutely see no one in the streets...