Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Barcelona = Madonnaaaaaaahhh!

Yep! Last night the Queen of Pop 'did' Barcelona! A great performance was the result of months of preparation of the diva before touching Barcelona soil.
The public went crazy when Maddy entered the stage with a slamming classic "Ready to go-ooo".. Of course no opportunities were left aside to dedicate some songs to Michael Jackson.

A genius duo with Paul Oakenfeld converted the classic songs into rocking new songs. Unbelievable what imagination this artist has in order to understand what the public wants.

Flexible as chewing gum and dancing like crazy Madonna went literally jumping over the stage for two hours in a row. A geography leaded by Madonna's favorite dancer from france, Jamal.

Yes, Madonna is still the Queen of Pop for the approximately 50.000 spectators that came to the Lluis Companys Olympic Stadium in Montjuich.