Saturday, July 11, 2009

Tour de France in Barcelona...

Yep, yesterday for the first time in 40 years the Tour de France stopped by at Barcelona! Le Tour was expected to arrive in Barcelona on Thursday to leave again on Friday. Famous cyclists like Lance Armstrong, Alberto Contador and company entered quite dramatically into the city with crashes in the 'peloton' and all...

Then, on Friday, with some hurdes of people waiting for the big tour to leave the city, it was decided to leave Barcelona a quarter of an hour before the scheduled time. No notice of this was given to anyone.

Consequence of this was that thousends of Spanish, that normally tend to arrive shortly before an event, were left with some leaflets and trash that the Tour left behind and without having seen anything. A big applause goes to the organization that turned the city for two days into an inaccessable jungle for cars and other traffic and for what? Not even getting a glimpse of the runners...

A comforting thought however is that in 40 years probably they will pass by again..